In the realm of television, few shows have managed to captivate audiences for as long as NCIS. This year marks a significant milestone for the series, celebrating 20 years of delivering high-stakes criminal investigations and complex characters that viewers have come to love. As the autumn leaves begin to fall, fans are eagerly awaiting the return of NCIS, not for its 21st season as many had hoped, but for a special celebration of its two-decade-long journey.

The show, which premiered in September 2003, has not only been a staple for CBS but has also garnered a massive following. Last May, the series concluded its 20th season, leaving fans on the edge of their seats as one of the special agents seemed poised to break the rules. The anticipation has only grown since then, fueled by the network’s recent announcement.

Watch these episodes of NCIS on CBS
Watch these episodes of NCIS on CBS

A Day Dedicated to NCIS

CBS has officially declared September 25th as “NCIS Day,” a testament to the show’s enduring popularity and influence. Over its 20-year run, NCIS has consistently ranked among the top 20 television series, dominating as the most-watched drama for the past five consecutive seasons. The upcoming 21st season, combined with other dramas in the NCIS franchise, is set to reach an astounding 1,000 episodes—a feat few shows have achieved.

The Episodes That Made History

To commemorate this milestone, CBS, along with the streaming platform Paramount+, has scheduled a special broadcast. The celebration kicks off at 8:00 pm with the airing of the very first episode, “Yankee White.” This episode introduced viewers to iconic characters like Leroy Gibbs (Mark Harmon), Tony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly), and Dr. “Ducky” Mallard (David McCallum) as they navigate a complex case aboard Air Force One.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Following “Yankee White,” the network will air the episode “SWAK” from the show’s second season at 9:00 pm. This episode became memorable for its suspenseful plot involving a mysterious powder released in the NCIS squad room, leading to a tense quarantine situation. The special agents, led by Gibbs, find themselves confined to the autopsy room as they await test results to identify the substance.

The Grand Finale

The special broadcast concludes at 10:00 pm with the episode “Todos,” the 11th installment of the 19th season. In this gripping episode, Special Agent Parker (Gary Cole) and his NCIS team find themselves in a perilous situation aboard a civilian research vessel in the North Atlantic. After discovering terrorists on board, they are forced into hiding, adding another layer of tension to an already intense episode.

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