The autumn season has set in, and the anticipation for the next installment of NBC’s acclaimed drama, “Chicago Fire,” is palpable. This series, chronicling the courageous endeavors of Firehouse 51’s firefighters and paramedics, has been a staple for viewers for over ten years. Each season has consistently delivered a blend of thrilling action and poignant moments, leaving audiences yearning for more. As we brace ourselves for another riveting season, the foremost query is: When will the twelfth season grace our screens?

Season 12’s Delayed Arrival

Commencing with a silver lining, while this fall won’t see a new “Chicago Fire” season on NBC, the series is very much in the pipeline. “Chicago Fire” has secured its renewal for the twelfth season, and there’s no reconsideration on that front. The series continues to be a robust contender for NBC, and it’s anticipated to entertain audiences for several more years.

However, the usual fall return of “Chicago Fire” on NBC is missing this year. Even the challenges of the 2020 pandemic didn’t deter the One Chicago series from its fall comeback. But this year, the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes have played spoilsport. Initially, NBC had slated the new season’s release for the fall. But the strikes involving writers and actors stalled the summer production, pushing the premiere to 2024. Nevertheless, post the WGA’s new agreement with studios, NBC is optimistic about a January 2024 return, prioritizing the One Chicago and Law & Order franchises.

Casting Updates for Season 12

While the complete cast list for the twelfth season remains under wraps, it’s anticipated that most of the beloved characters will make a comeback. Expected returns include Kara Killmer, David Eigenberg, Joe Minoso, Miranda Rae Mayo, and several others. However, there’s a cloud of uncertainty regarding Christian Stolte and Taylor Kinney’s involvement. The previous season concluded with a cliffhanger involving Mouch, portrayed by Stolte, leaving fans in suspense about his fate. Taylor Kinney’s return is also a topic of speculation, especially after his unexpected hiatus in season 11.

Insights on the Upcoming Season

As of now, a trailer for the twelfth season is not available, which is understandable given the production delays. Filming for the season hasn’t commenced, primarily due to the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strikes. Once an agreement is reached, NBC is expected to kickstart production swiftly, aiming for a January 2024 premiere. There’s also buzz that this season might be extended, possibly ranging between 13 to 15 episodes, contrary to the usual 20-22 episodes.

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