Disney’s animated comedy series, “Monsters at Work,” returns for its second season on May 22. Inspired by the beloved “Monsters, Inc.” franchise, the show features an all-star voice cast, including Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Ben Feldman, Mindy Kaling, and Henry Winkler.

Tylor Tuskmon’s Journey Continues

This season delves into Tylor Tuskmon’s challenges as a jokester and his evolving friendship with Val Little. New opportunities at rival energy company Fear Co. shake up Monsters Inc., testing Tylor’s loyalty and his bond with Val.

Returning and New Voices

The series brings back franchise favorites like Aubrey Plaza, Nathan Fillion, and Bobby Moynihan, while introducing new guest stars such as Jennifer Coolidge, Rhys Darby, and Danny Trejo. The season promises fresh adventures and heartfelt moments, backed by a vibrant soundtrack featuring original songs from Walt Disney Records.

Produced by Disney Television Animation, the show boasts an Emmy-winning production team led by executive producer Kevin Deters, with Stevie Wermers as supervising director and Dominic Lewis as the composer.

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