It was a night of terror for Liverpool in Napoli, and incidentally for Luis Díaz who now tastes the bitter honey of European football as part of his process. In any case, the Colombian got away with a nice goal to discount the humiliation and swells his figures.

Luis Díaz reached his eighth goal in the history of the Champions League counting the ones he scored wearing the Porto shirt years ago and the ones he has with Liverpool in 2022 for two editions.

In the previous edition he had already surpassed James Rodríguez, Luis Fernando Muriel and Felipe Pardo, who had 5 goals in their records. He now ties Duván Zapata with 8 and goes for Falcao’s record.

Luis Díaz could easily be the Colombian with the most goals in the history of the Champions League, since Falcao (12) will not play it again and Jackson Martínez (13) has already retired from professional football. In addition, Duván Zapata is not in this edition and Díaz could take advantage of him with many years of career ahead of him.

Liverpool must recover in the group stage against Rangers and Ajax, teams against which Díaz could add to his European figures before thinking about qualifying for the round of 16.

Top Colombian scorers in the history of the Champions League

  1. Jackson Martinez (13)
  2. Falcao Garcia (12)
  3. Duvan Zapata and Luis Diaz (8)
  4. James Rodriguez, Luis Fernando Muriel and Felipe Pardo (5)